Custom laser engraved gifts for all occasions

Custom laser engraved gifts for all occasions

Featured Products

Custom Engraved Wood Photo


11x14 Custom Bamboo Charcuterie


Lord’s Prayer Wood Round


Our Services

Kids Grab N Go Paint Kits


Our ‘Kids Grab N Go kits include everything your child needs to paint in the comfort of your own home. These are great for ages up to 10, Come in all holiday themes and can be personalized if needed.

Paint N Sip Parties

$70 per person

Experience a Paint N Sip like no other. Choose your diy kit and we’ll provide the Supplies, Catered meal and Alcoholic/Non alcoholic Beverages. No need to worry about not having an instructor, these kits are made to paint as you’d like and you set the pace! These parties make for a fun and memorable time. Location determined by host. Make sure to check out our ‘Events’ tab at the top of the screen to view our latest door hanger options.

Adult Grab N Go Paint Kits


Our ‘Adult Grab N Go Kits include everything you need to paint in the comfort of your own home. If you’re unable to attend one of our Paint events than this is the kit for you. These kits are offered in all holiday themes and can also come personalized.